The story of a photographer
We should've seen it coming. Right from that first camera that Santa brought me when I was 9--a pink Le Clic with which I, ironically enough, managed to capture a nice sun flare out of my parents' front door. Look at that. 9 years old, and already my sun flare obsession was starting, even though I didn't realize it.
Onto high school, where I took a photography class, and loved watching the developer reveal whatever weird photo my high school self made appear from my negatives in the darkroom. High school graduation gift from my Nana? A camera. So off to college where I did not study one of the best schools for photojournalism in the country. Go figure. Makes TOTAL sense, right? (My hat is off to those of you who knew your destiny and/or calling at 18!)
So, after finishing college with degrees in Textiles and Apparel Merchandising and Elementary Education, then working as an Assistant Buyer for a shoe company and an Kindergarten teacher, I married my husband, whose career has moved us frequently. Since then I've worked in a few different fields, but photography has been my constant. Being a wife and mom, I understand the challenges we can face at photo sessions (sleepy, grouchy toddlers...and let’s be real: hangry hubbies who may rather be elsewhere) and I am well-versed in turning these “obstacles,” if you, into good experiences. My own family has taught me well. ;)
The fun we have at photo sessions leaves me with such joy in my heart that I drive all the way home with a perma-smile on my face! I truly love what I do, and feel that my work shows that. I'm grateful to my clients for entrusting me with their special moments, and while we have a blast at the shoots, I take my job as your photographer very seriously. I realize that photos are an important investment into documenting your family's story. Photos are shared and stories are retold across generations, keeping stories going for some kind of forever, and I value that. It's represented in my business name: Forever Friday Photography. It's literally who I am. Friday is the English translation of my maiden name, Freitag, thus keeping a little of my own history going. I look so forward to helping you document yours!